We turn the art of forging into forging technology

It produces up to 6000 pcs/h, forging four parts at a time.
Setup time reduced by 50% compared to standard.
Setup time reduced by 50% compared to standard.

It is based on the CNC philosophy, in fact every parameter is adjustable in real-time. It is programmable offline via dedicated CAD-CAM.

Lowest energy consumption in the industry (max. 35 kW/h). The integrated lubrication allows the life of the dies to be tripled. Rejects are reduced from 1.5% to 0.4%.

End product
High flexibility and wide range of products that can be forged. Burr-free forging ensures high product quality and a reduction of raw material used.
Our products
Did you know that we forge without burrs?

Forge Tronic